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WHAT is Bookfest?
Bookfest is a program offered by the teacher-librarians in our school district. Its goal is to encourage kids to read a variety of literature and to expose them to quality authors.

WHO can join?
Any student from Grade 4 to Grade 7 can join; just be prepared to do some reading.

WHERE do we read?
Anywhere you can. Just don't read while your teacher is trying to talk to you, or during P.E., or while you're riding your bike home from school, or while you're watching your sister's soccer game in the rain.

WHEN is it?
Get ready to read starting the first week you're back to school in September.
The finale will take place at one of your local high school Libraries
Our current list of schools participating and the High schools they will be visiting are:

PMSS: PME, DJ, Edie Mac


THSS: GE,  HH, Yennadon, ARE


WSS: LVE, MRE, Hammond, FV


 More details are available on the BookFest Challenge page of this website.

WHY should I join?
1. Field trips are fun, even virtual ones
2. It's good to read with your friends
3. Read some books you usually wouldn't read
4. Reading makes you smarter (at least that's what they say)

HOW do I join?
Just stop by the library and ask your friendly teacher-librarian for more details.
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